PL/SQL de Conditional Compile #6 Tweet
随分前にPL/SQL de Conditional Compile #5ってエントリ書いてたのを思い出して、11g R1/R2用のを見てみたらソースに丁寧なコメント(マニュアルよりいいんじゃね?w )が書かれていてうれしくなった。
(マニュアル、良くなりましたよ。昔より。 > 褒めておかないとね、だれとなくw。)...文字サイズも多くしておきましたw
● Oracle11g R1 11.1 の DBMS_DB_VERSION
package dbms_db_version is
version constant pls_integer := 11; -- RDBMS version number
release constant pls_integer := 1; -- RDBMS release number
/* The following boolean constants follow a naming convention. Each
constant gives a name for a boolean expression. For example,
ver_le_9_1 represents version <= 9 and release <= 1
ver_le_10_2 represents version <= 10 and release <= 2
ver_le_10 represents version <= 10
A typical usage of these boolean constants is
$if dbms_db_version.ver_le_10 $then
version 10 and ealier code
$elsif dbms_db_version.ver_le_11 $then
version 11 code
version 12 and later code
This code structure will protect any reference to the code
for version 12. It also prevents the controlling package
constant dbms_db_version.ver_le_11 from being referenced
when the program is compiled under version 10. A similar
observation applies to version 11. This scheme works even
though the static constant ver_le_11 is not defined in
version 10 database because conditional compilation protects
the $elsif from evaluation if the dbms_db_version.ver_le_10 is
ver_le_9_1 constant boolean := FALSE;
ver_le_9_2 constant boolean := FALSE;
ver_le_9 constant boolean := FALSE;
ver_le_10_1 constant boolean := FALSE;
ver_le_10_2 constant boolean := FALSE;
ver_le_10 constant boolean := FALSE;
ver_le_11_1 constant boolean := TRUE;
ver_le_11 constant boolean := TRUE;
end dbms_db_version;
● Oracle11g R2 11.2 の DBMS_DB_VERSION
package dbms_db_version is
version constant pls_integer := 11; -- RDBMS version number
release constant pls_integer := 2; -- RDBMS release number
/* The following boolean constants follow a naming convention. Each
constant gives a name for a boolean expression. For example,
ver_le_9_1 represents version <= 9 and release <= 1
ver_le_10_2 represents version <= 10 and release <= 2
ver_le_10 represents version <= 10
A typical usage of these boolean constants is
$if dbms_db_version.ver_le_10 $then
version 10 and ealier code
$elsif dbms_db_version.ver_le_11 $then
version 11 code
version 12 and later code
This code structure will protect any reference to the code
for version 12. It also prevents the controlling package
constant dbms_db_version.ver_le_11 from being referenced
when the program is compiled under version 10. A similar
observation applies to version 11. This scheme works even
though the static constant ver_le_11 is not defined in
version 10 database because conditional compilation protects
the $elsif from evaluation if the dbms_db_version.ver_le_10 is
ver_le_9_1 constant boolean := FALSE;
ver_le_9_2 constant boolean := FALSE;
ver_le_9 constant boolean := FALSE;
ver_le_10_1 constant boolean := FALSE;
ver_le_10_2 constant boolean := FALSE;
ver_le_10 constant boolean := FALSE;
ver_le_11_1 constant boolean := FALSE;
ver_le_11_2 constant boolean := TRUE;
ver_le_11 constant boolean := TRUE;
end dbms_db_version;
version 12 and later codeなんて箇所、いいですね〜w
・PL/SQL de Conditional Compile #1
・PL/SQL de Conditional Compile #2
・PL/SQL de Conditional Compile #3
・PL/SQL de Conditional Compile #4
・PL/SQL de Conditional Compile #5
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