« Mac De Oracle Heterogeneous! #56 | トップページ | Mac De Oracle Heterogeneous! #58 »

2006年3月 6日 (月) / Author : Hiroshi Sekiguchi.

Mac De Oracle Heterogeneous! #57

前回のつづき、Generic Connectivity経由でPostgreSQL7.4.9の文字型にアクセス 一回目。




postgresql749=> ¥d char_test;
Table "scott.char_test"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null
r_char_20 | character(20) |
r_char_2000 | character(2000) |
r_char_2001 | character(2001) |
r_varchar_20 | character varying(20) |
r_varchar_4000 | character varying(4000) |
r_varchar_4001 | character varying(4001) |
r_text | text |
"char_test_pkey" primary key, btree (id)



 id | r_varchar_20 | octet_length | hex_euc | hex_sjis | hex_utf8 
18 | | 0 | | |
5 | A | 1 | 41 | 41 | 41
3 | B | 1 | 42 | 42 | 42
1 | C | 1 | 43 | 43 | 43
6 | a | 1 | 61 | 61 | 61
4 | b | 1 | 62 | 62 | 62
2 | c | 1 | 63 | 63 | 63
16 | ぁ | 2 | a4a1 | 829f | e38181
11 | あ | 2 | a4a2 | 82a0 | e38182
15 | ぃ | 2 | a4a3 | 82a1 | e38183
10 | い | 2 | a4a4 | 82a2 | e38184
14 | ぅ | 2 | a4a5 | 82a3 | e38185
9 | う | 2 | a4a6 | 82a4 | e38186
13 | ぇ | 2 | a4a7 | 82a5 | e38187
8 | え | 2 | a4a8 | 82a6 | e38188
12 | ぉ | 2 | a4a9 | 82a7 | e38189
7 | お | 2 | a4aa | 82a8 | e3818a
17 | | | | |
(18 rows)


postgresql749=> select
postgresql749-> id,
postgresql749-> r_char_20,
postgresql749-> length(r_char_20) as length,
postgresql749-> octet_length(r_char_20) as octet_length
postgresql749-> from
postgresql749-> char_test
postgresql749-> where
postgresql749-> id between 19 and 23;
id | r_char_20 | length | octet_length
19 | あ | 20 | 21
20 | | |
21 | | 20 | 20
22 | 12345678901234567890 | 20 | 20
23 | 12345678901234567890 | 20 | 40
(5 rows)


postgresql749=> select
postgresql749-> id,
postgresql749-> r_varchar_20,
postgresql749-> length(r_varchar_20) as length,
postgresql749-> octet_length(r_varchar_20) as octet_length
postgresql749-> from
postgresql749-> char_test
postgresql749-> where
postgresql749-> id between 24 and 28;
id | r_varchar_20 | length | octet_length
24 | あ | 3 | 4
25 | | |
26 | | 0 | 0
27 | 12345678901234567890 | 20 | 20
28 | 12345678901234567890 | 20 | 40
(5 rows)


postgresql749=> select
postgresql749-> id,
postgresql749-> r_text,
postgresql749-> length(r_text) as length,
postgresql749-> octet_length(r_text) as octet_length
postgresql749-> from
postgresql749-> char_test
postgresql749-> where
postgresql749-> id between 29 and 33;
id | r_text | length | octet_length
29 | あ | 3 | 4
30 | | |
31 | | 0 | 0
32 | 12345678901234567890 | 20 | 20
33 | 12345678901234567890 | 20 | 40
(5 rows)


postgresql749=> select
postgresql749-> octet_length(r_char_2000),
postgresql749-> octet_length(r_char_2001),
postgresql749-> octet_length(r_varchar_4000),
postgresql749-> octet_length(r_varchar_4001)
postgresql749-> from
postgresql749-> char_test
postgresql749-> where
postgresql749-> id between 34 and 35;
octet_length | octet_length | octet_length | octet_length
2000 | 2001 | |
| | 4000 | 4001
(2 rows)



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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: Mac De Oracle Heterogeneous! #57:

